Friday, November 6, 2009


tänase päevaga täitsin ühe oma lühiajalise eesmärgi: sain talli tasemele 10. populatsiooni sain 268. hetke uus eesmärk oleks saada turg tasemele 20.
with todays day i filled one of my goals: i got my stables to lvl 10. populatsion is now 268. the new goal woud be to get my market to lvl 20.


  1. i used to play that game and now it wont let me log in and so i hate it :(

  2. very good blog, congratulations
    regard from Reus Catalonia
    thank you

  3. WOW! I just clicked on next blog to see what it was and it was you, I haven't played Travian in ages, got far too addicted to it. Don't know if your on .com, I was on, part of MLS then MIA. didn't win but I got rather large on it since I was on that round from day 1! Good luck on it! =D

  4. very nice your blog!
    its really cool!!!
    visit mine too as I have done and talk about them!

